赵日超 发表于 2022-4-6 23:16:47

英盟展览 | 化境——中国当代艺术邀请展 英盟艺术沙龙

英盟展览 | 化境——中国当代艺术邀请展





两年了,我们见够了疫情的灰暗、人世的沉重。每个人,都在梦中呼唤:呼唤绿色的春意,呼唤万物复苏,呼唤生命的觉醒。春的脚步终究无法阻挡,看,三月的小雨,带着春的气息,带着花的芬芳,带着诗意带着韵律,带着我们的期盼,来了!以花为媒,以乐为介,从四川北京,到深圳光明,艺术家们用自己的作品与您倾诉,与您共鸣。绘画、雕塑,写实、抽象,不论形式和呈现有何不同,唯有一愿:游历其间,心花怒放。现在的我们,太需要一次心灵之旅。乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。何老师的杂花婀娜多姿,朦胧诗般委婉述说着爱意;花与草的纠缠,像极了我们的爱情;那飘逸的笔触,是每一次的心动和放飞么?发哥的大花,开满在时代的节点,审视着霓虹灯下的幽暗;欲望的的玫瑰色情也溃败,却掩不住美的寓意和向往。师老师白色的钢琴,浪漫唯美,谁都想弹奏一曲,给敬爱的父母,给可爱的小孩,给心爱的她(他)。抽象的钢丝,蛰伏在具象的琴、自行车上,拉近了观者与艺术的距离。猫儿哥的画面不拘一格,图形、符号和文字随机形成,色彩和媒介丰富,总觉得他抽象的语言有猫的灵性,而非他笑言的乱画。叶洲极简纯净的表达多以时间为序,在他简洁的线条里,是对生命意义的探索,是心灵的自由释放。马力的“音宙”把一个开阔的精神世界带给我们,他较好的音乐感受成全了画面的意境。王玮老师用女性的细腻展现了春天里一幅幅美丽的画卷。女性,是这世界的精灵,美的化身。她们自由浪漫,肆意表现,拥抱美好,多姿多彩的人生不需要铁链和枷锁。娜子的花就是给女性的赠与和奖励,女妖似的她,深谙女人的不易、女人的不屈。她化身女妖,把花冠戴到勇敢者头上,与之共勉。晓天的装置作品以金属丝网为主,火焰、花朵为辅,看似柔软,实则坚硬。作品穿行于场馆,折叠旋转,自由灵动。两年疫情,生活变得脆弱,灼伤的废墟里还剩下了什么?《自由之路》感受历史,更重要的是让我们自问,女性如何寻找和实现自我。愿我们总能在灾难里重获希翼。这一刻,只想给您,真实的美好和无锁舒畅!2022,2,22 于成都牧马山

Sublimation——Variationof Narrativeand Rhetoric


▲何多苓,杂花写生 No.2021-24,布面油画,100×80cm,2021年
He Duoling,Flowers No.2021-24,Oil on Canvas,100x80cm,2021


▲罗发辉,漂浮的花朵,布面油画,400×200cm,2017年Luo Fahui,Floating Flowers,Oil on Canvas,400x200cm,2017

杨述 ,2018 17号,布面丙烯,200×150cm,2018Yang Shu,2018 No.17,Acrylic on Canvas,200x150cm,2018


Shi Jindian,Piano,Stainless Steel Wire、Charcoal,150x148x175cm,2021


He Weina,Ring Two,Ink on Paper,300x200cm,2021当然,倘若我们将这个展览,或者说艺术家们的创作放入中国当代艺术的情景中,我们既可以看到,艺术家们是如何面对今天的文化现实与周遭的生命体验,也可以看到,他们立足于当代艺术的话语体系与视觉经验,如何形成个人的语言表达与创作方法。更宏观的讲,“叙事”与“修辞”将成为我们了解、观察、研究中国当代艺术发展与衍生的重要通道。不过,“叙事”更侧重于题材、内容,也强调叙事过程中的方法,本质上讲,也更贴近社会学的范畴。而“修辞”则源于艺术本体,是在语言、形式、媒介、审美等层面体现艺术品的价值。事实上,它们刚好形成了中国当代艺术的两种价值尺度——社会学前卫与美学前卫。然而,对于中国当代艺术的发展,我们会注意到,“社会学前卫”与“美学前卫”始终处于一种博弈、砥砺,而不是融合与平衡的状态。它们交替向前,在不同的阶段各领风骚。因此,“变奏”正是其发展的一个主要特征。用“化境”作为本次展览的主题,因为对于艺术家来说,不管是借助语言、题材、修辞等手段,最终还是要为作品构建一个阐述语境和人文境界。



研究领域有欧美现当代艺术、艺术批评与展览策划、中国当代艺术思潮等。曾在国内学术期刊《文艺研究》、《美术研究》、《艺术当代》等发表批评文章70余篇,共50万字。2008年以来,先后出版个人著作与编著13本,如《走向后抽象》(河北美术出版社、2008年) 、《形式主义批评的终结》(文化艺术出版社、2009年)、《建构之维:当代艺术家个案》(副主编、中国青年出版社、2010年)、《清晰的地平线——1978年以来的中国当代雕塑》(河北美术出版社,2011年)、《社会风景:中国当代绘画中的风景叙事》(河北美术出版社,2014年)、《前卫的没落》(上海人民美术出版社,2015年)、《社会剧场:参与与共享》(副主编、重庆美术出版社、2017年)等。曾策划数十个当代艺术展。


Since 2020, we have witnessed the dramatic changes in social and cultural circumstances: globalization and anti-globalization, universal value and populism, liberalism and new left, avant-garde discourse andcultural conservatism. New cultural symptoms have also indicated the change direction of art. Particularly, in the “post-pandemic era”, it has been an unavoidable subject for us to consider the development space, current mission and future direction of culture and art.In fact, around 2000, Chinese contemporary art has changed its direction in discourse, narrative and intrinsic value. On the one hand, Chinese contemporary art launched its localized development since 1978, but this linear development stopped in the end of 1990s. On the other hand, as China joined the WTO in 2001 and putitself into the globalization context, Chinese contemporary art should fix its position again and constructits cultural identity and artistic logic. In terms of “narrative”, it means that the subjects and concepts that endowed contemporary art with meanings before are gradually losing their influences due to the changes of social and cultural circumstances. For example, the “trauma, “life stream” and “great soul” since the 1980s as well as the “close range”, “hooligan” and “urban experience” in the beginning of the 1990s have faded from the meaning system of contemporaryart. Meanwhile, “image turn”, “post socialist experience”, “new painting”, “post tradition” and other new concepts and forms have formed new narratives. In terms of “rhetoric”, it is mainly reflected through the language logic and formal representation of artists. Speaking of the painting field, we have noticed that the meaning and concept of painting are changing, and artists also need to adopt “rhetoric” as a creation method. For example, classical painting pursues “reappearance”, modernist painting stresses “personality” and “style”, while the post modern painting is based on “image” representation. Therefore, for contemporary painting, artists should start from the art itself, including language, media and form, to conduct personal exploration, and pay more attention to the expression of the painting’s idea.

Ye Zhou,TIME20180729,Acrylic on Linen,160x200cm,2018

▲马力,宇宙 23,布面亚克力,150×150cm,2020年
Ma Li,Universe Twenty-Three,Acrylic on Canvas,150x150cm,2020
The artists of this exhibition are mostly from Sichuan Province in southeastern China. Although they present different styles in their creation, they can reflect some characteristics of contemporary painting from discourse, narrative and theme. In recent years, He Duoling has devoted himself into the creation ofFlower Series. Under the brushes of He Duoling, poetic flavor is line with the traditional Chinese “image”, combing willfulness with representation. The seemingly casual paintings of Chinese artist is integrated with the realistic painting. It is fair to say that these works of art are featured by the return to poetry and literary, especially the exploration of oriental aesthetics spirit. Luo Fahui is a representative artist who involved in “image turn” first in the field of contemporary painting in Sichuan. His paintings not only reflect his personal style, but also express the consciousness of humanity and life through image narrative and symbol metaphor. Since the middle of 1980s, the works of Yang Shu have centered on abstraction and manifestation. On the one hand, Yang Shu has integrated the elements of writing, scrawl and physical feature with “abstraction”. On the other hand, instead of being confined into modernism, Yang Shu focuses on expressive language and adopts techniques such as tile and ready-made article, to endow the language and idea of works with the features of contemporary cultue.In terms of form and rhetoric, the works ofYe Zhou still keep the visual feature of “hard-edgeabstraction” and structural abstraction. However, what the artist really pursues is the time and process contained in the rational and restrained lines. The paintings of Ma Li also reflect the features of abstract expressionism. The attention paid by the artist to the accidental and automatic form operation as well as his control of media can deliver more infectious works. The works of He Weina and Wang Wei have the features of contemporary ink paintings. Starting from daily life and micro reality, they contain the unique perspective and emotion of female artists. In addition to paintings, the works of Shi Jindian involve both sculptures and installations. Through the transformation of form and language, the artist has endowed daily objects with linguistic codes, to create alienated and unfamiliar features. The changes of field and space will encourage audiences to reexamine the original appearance and function of daily objects. Through comprehensive technical means such as knitting and burning, Yuan Xiaotian hopes that her works can reflect a fantastic and unyielding vitality. Meanwhile, through factors such as materials, space and light, she wants to evoke the oriental aesthetic experience in visual psychology.

Wang Wei,Flyer,Ink and Color on Paper,176×93.6cm,2017

Yuan Xiaotian,Flow,Stainless Steel Wire,Variable Size ,2021

Of course, if we consider this exhibition and the creation of artists in the context of Chinese contemporary art, we can not only witness how the artists confront today’s cultural reality and life experience, but also see how they form personal discourse expression and creation method based on the discourse system and visual experience of contemporary art. Macroscopically speaking, “narrative” and “rhetoric” will serve as important channels for us to understand, observe and study the development of Chinese contemporary art. “Narrative” pays more attention to theme, content and the method adopted in narrative. In essence, it is more close to sociology. “Rhetoric” is originated from the art itself, expressing the values of artwork from language, form, media, appreciation and other aspects. In fact, they have formed the two measure values of Chinese contemporary art, namely the sociological avant-garde and aesthetic avant-garde. However, for the development of Chinese contemporary art, we will notice that sociological avant-garde and aesthetic avant-garde are always struggling with each other, rather than being integrated and balanced. They lead the trend in turns at different stages. As a result, “variation” is one of the major features. We have chosen “Sublimation” as the subject of this exhibition, because for the artists, they need to construct a discourse context and cultural realm for their works, no matter through language, theme or rhetoric.
He GuiyanHuxi Campus of Sichuan Fine Arts InstituteFebruary 16, 2022               



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